Best photo



Hello. I’d like to welcome you to my IELTS and English language learning website (and I’ve even included some relaxing ‘thinking’ music to help you think better [just click above]). Thinking is important. Thinking people are better speakers, better writers, and just … better. This is a theme I give in all my classes. But who am I?


I call myself simply ‘Teacher Andrew’, but if you want my full name, you can see it on my seven IELTS books, shown at the top of this page. Count the books. That’s SEVEN of them!


You can also see me, myself, below, giving an IELTS presentation at Feng Chia university.

Seminar at Feng Chia University

Doing another presentation at Feng Chia University. 我在逢甲大學舉辦另一個講座


Also, click Overview of AIS Courses (2021) to see a simple overview of the IELTS/English courses I teach, and think about JOINING IN. You can also go to the Courses tab, to see more details.


AIS Sexy Models advertising books

Sexy models advertising my IELTS Books. 魅力滿滿的模特兒在推銷我的雅思書籍

You can also go to my IELTS pixnet blog,



… if you want a mountain of specially designed IELTS practice, information, and advice. If you want to navigate through this mountain more easily, then click on …


Easy Guide to IELTS Pixnet Posts


Scroll to the bottom of this page for more information about this.


If you want IELTS Hints & Advice delivered directly to your email, click on …

(歡迎加入我們的電子報) (…點擊這裡,或者是頁面頂端導覽列中同名的按鈕)

WELCOME TO OUR NEWSLETTER (here, or in the navigation bar at the top of the page),


… and sign up! It’s all free, and it’s all the key to IELTS 7!

您也可以閱讀我寫的雅思寫作考古題範例答案,點擊 .. 雅思考試作文真題解答

IELTS Grammar Slide

One of my most ‘programmed’ PowerPoints: dealing with ALL the typical grammar issues which students make in writing. 這是我的所有簡報中「編程」最複雜的其中之一,它是在處理所有學生常在寫作中犯的文法錯誤。

You can also see sample answers to REAL IELTS Test Questions. Click on .. IELTS essay sample answers


… or go to the navigation bar tab at the top of this page, where you will find the same link. Finally, you can also go to my facebook  …


Andrew’s IELTS Stuff

As for this website you are looking at, you can know more about me by clicking ‘About Me’. Right now, I can tell you that I’ve worked for many years in Taiwan, and in that time actually helped establish many other IELTS preparation schools here in Taipei.


Reading Answers to Everest

Reading answers, given carefully one click at a time. 閱讀測驗的解答,我正小心的一頁一頁公布。

The seven IELTS books I have written, and the way I teach, all show ‘my system’. This is a system developed over 25 years of teaching IELTS Preparation Courses, and it produces good results; and many schools, websites, and self-proclaimed experts are now using these ideas of mine. I even heard someone explaining some of them on the radio as if they were their own!

Writing Listening Term 1 2018

Another class finishes. 又一個課程結業了。

我是7本[雅思實用策略]系列書的作者, 而且我用我自創的系統教所有的雅思技巧,這個系統是我花了二十幾年的時間研發出來的,成效卓越,現在很多補習班,網站和所謂的名師都使用我的系統,我甚至曾在收音機上聽到過有人在介紹我的系統,而且沒有提我的名字。

I could feel flattered by this; however, the advice, information, and approach, is often misunderstood, misapplied, misused, and overused – and that’s the problem. So please, explore this website, and explore the true way to use my ideas, given by its actual author, in the way that will truly help you in English and the IELTS test.


Student s Task 1 transport to school corrected Page 1 page 001

Example of corrected IELTS Task One (page 1) using the IELTS Correction Service 我提供的雅思修正服務的範例,這是一頁被我修改過後的雅思Task One。

One final word. Notice that this ‘welcome message’ is in English (with a little Chinese to guide you) (as are my IELTS books). Yes, if you want to achieve well in an English language test, you need to begin practising reading English for real. A preparation source written mostly in Chinese is immediately dubious.  Now, look up ‘dubious’ in your dictionary, or click here (taking you to the Vocabulary Section: ‘Less-Common Words, Item 8) – and by doing this you have learnt a word – a very good and useful word for the IELTS test.

最後一提,你可以注意到我的 ‘歡迎訊息’ 是用英文寫的(就和我的雅思系列書一樣)。是的,如果你想在任何英語測驗中拿到好成績,你就必須練習閱讀英文,看中譯的語言學習書是不可能將該語言學好的,現在請打開你的字典查詢 ‘dubious’ 或按這裡(這會帶你到字彙區:較罕見單字,第8項)— 這麼做的話你就會學到一個新的單字了 — 一個對於雅思考試來說非常有用的單字。

There, that’s the beginning. You have learnt something – through my help and this website, because this website is in English.


Now KEEP GOING! As I say at the start of all my IELTS books, ‘This is how you ‘pass’ the IELTS test.


So, let us then begin together on this road.


You could begin by exploring my pixnet blog. There’s a guide to this below.



Click this link:…..


… for a MOUNTAIN of IELTS-related material, to help you keep travelling on that road. The blog has three main sorts of entries, as shown below. Click on these titles to go directly to the specific site.

Reading Speaking Term 9 2017 Good Photo II

Reading & Speaking class 閱讀與口說班級

1AIS 學生雅思考試高分心得文


Many of my students get high IELTS scores. A few of them are kind enough to share this news, with recommendations and suggestions, on PTT. When this happens, we copy it from PTT onto our pixnet as a post. These posts are all written in Chinese, so you can easily read what other students have said about me, about IELTS, and about preparing for it. If you want real and honest feedback, you must read these.

2 師母給同學們雅思 ( 英文 ) 補習的建議


This contains articles and advice (written in Chinese) on the IELTS test, English-language learning, and being an intelligent consumer. If you really want a foundation to an IELTS 7, you must read these.

3 語言學習//消費者建議(英文書寫)


The Language Learning Posts generally look at grammar, collocation, and concision, by presenting easily-read posts with exercises and answers in a series of defined length e.g. (1 of 16).


The Consumer Advice Posts help you become someone who will not be tricked, and who knows what good language teaching should be like.


If you really want an IELTS 7, you must read these. Click Guide to Language Learning & Consumer Advice Posts for easy access to some of these third sorts of posts.

Promotion for the Shin Bei Seminar

Nice hand-made promotional poster for my IELTS seminar at Shin-Bei High School. 我在新北高中的雅思講座的手做推廣海報

End of Sunday Class

Another another group of friends – this time a Sunday Class. These are somewhat special, since the course was three-months long! (12 Sundays). We really got to know each other. 又一群剛畢業的朋友。這個班級有些特別,因為這個課程的時長為3個月(12個星期日)!因此我們特別的熟悉彼此。